Kirill Yakunin

Chief Marketing Officer at KLOUDIP

GPS Tracking for Lorries and Trucks: 13 Options and Opportunities

All about GPS tracking for lorries: GPS equipment, vehicle tracking systems, and apps for heavyweight commercial vehicles.

1 year ago

3PL logistics software and more: EPORT delivery ecosystem

All about the new software where 3PL operators, cargo senders, fleet owners & managers cooperate.

2 years ago

Telematics Colombo 2023: The most significant technology event in South Asia

On January 20, 2023, KLOUDIP hosted the renowned Telematics Colombo 2023 conference attended by Brandix, MAS, Abans, Unilever, & INSEE.

2 years ago

Innovations as a master key to 2023: Picked by KLOUDIP

Check out tech innovations that will power up businesses in 2023 and introduce them to your business.

2 years ago

Telematics Vilnius 2022: The IoT journey to Europe

KLOUDIP visited Europe to present its IoT solutions to companies from 130 countries. This post will guide you through the…

3 years ago

Out-of-the-box IoT solutions: 8 task-specific apps based on HAZER

Does IoT solutions influence the lives of average citizens? Well... Every morning you shower with water from a roof tank…

3 years ago

Fleet and employee transport management software: What’s new in May?

KLOUDIP updates FiOS and GOFER – its flagship fleet management system and employee transport management platform.

3 years ago

Personal tracking: GPS devices, apps, and opportunities for the people

People often consider GPS tracking an invasion of privacy, but we see this technology in a different light. We believe…

3 years ago

IoT and Business Transport Management Software: What’s new in February 2022?

KLOUDIP updated its core IoT and business transport management software with new mobile apps, location detection and expense tracking options.

3 years ago

Energy management best practice: a guide to energy efficiency

Learn how to achieve energy efficiency and minimize electricity consumption.

3 years ago