How to resume business after COVID-19 and stay safe?

Shifting to personnel surveillance with a focus on safety, health, and emerging challenges.

After the COVID-19 pandemic is over, we will have to get out there and start business again. At the national level, there will be concerns, challenges, and new governmental regulations about public health and safety. At a business level, there will be a focus on the employees. Today discussing, how to resume business after COVID-19?

It’s in human nature to adapt to emerging changes, while businesses may need more than instincts.   

For the past ten years, KLOUDIP has digitized 500+ companies with smart solutions for GPS tracking, telematics, fleet management, and industrial IoT. But the new world challenge is yet to come.

We’ve already written about how our solutions helped to slow down the COVID-19 spread – our KLOUDSKY platform detected corporate vehicles used as taxis to the airport during a quarantine. In this case, the employees became the source of risk and expenses.

At the same time, personnel is your most significant asset. You’ll be surprised by how the efficiency grows when you add staff monitoring to the project and fleet management tools you already have in your organization.

By that time, we developed and implemented specialized apps for guard patrol tracking, hospital staff monitoring, and service team management. Now, we shift the focus to personnel surveillance with a focus on safety, health, and emerging challenges.  

Challenge 1. Resume business after COVID-19, but keep the distance

Authorities will allow using only 50% of seating capacity in the corporate transport vehicles 

Still, the passenger flow remains the same; the number of trips will grow, resulting in higher transportation costs. To address the challenge, the company has several options:

  1. Buy more transport, which is the simplest, but the most costly approach.
  2. Reduce the number of people on shift. That is also not an option, as the market will face increased demand for services and you’ll have to satisfy it.
  3. To optimize the existing transport system to achieve more.

We choose the third one, as the most cost-effective option. Here are some steps we usually make to achieve this with our clients. 

Optimizing routes

  • KLOUDSKY platform optimizes mileage and time to the endpoint. That means you’ll spend less on fuel and can make more trips per day, increasing vehicle utilization.
  • Offering capacity planning, KLOUD solutions can build optimal routes based on the number of people you want, and the vehicle can transport. It allows making the most benefit from every route.
  • The system also automatically chooses pick-up and drop-off point orders. After that, employees will know the exact time when to leave home and when they get to work.

In the end, the employer gets the exact number of vehicles required to transport all the employees throughout the day, transparent schedules, and safe transportation processes.

Addressing flexible work rosters

The above applies even if the transport doesn’t have fixed routes. We are optimizing routes for schoolchildren’s transportation that change daily. But now, more and more businesses need the same due to the implementation of flexible work rosters.

A sick leave, family issues, change of work plan from the side of the employer – are some reasons to replace an employee on shift. Sometimes it happens in the nick of time. For example, even if the work roster changes in the evening, we ensure that the next morning drivers follow the routes adjusted to the evening changes. The software allows transport managers to:

  1. Approve last-minute changes
  2. Plan new pick-up points order
  3. Assign the route to a vehicle
  4. Send the new pick-up/drop off order to the driver’s smartphone       

That’s how last-minute changes become a part of the transportation process without even verbally communicating with a driver.  

Counting passengers

To ensure proper planning, you need robust input data. How many people traveled for the period, who were they, and in which vehicle? The analytics you get from KLOUDIP software include boarding/onboarding time, location, and vehicle.

You have this data. You find out that one of your employees got infected. What would you do? 

You have a complete history of his movements and interactions with other employees who were traveling with him. It helps to identify COVID-19 threats at levels F0-F2, inform them, test, and isolate, if necessary. All made fast and based on objective data.

Challenge 2. Resume business after COVID-19, but track interactions between employees

There’s no simpler way to catch a COVID-19 than inside the building full of people. But we’ve found a way to address the issue. 

Transportation is not the only process you can control to stop the spread of the coronavirus inside your organization. KLOUDIP can track the full path from the employee’s home and back, including movements inside the office.

  • Entrance time
  • Gate
  • Worktable or machine
  • Lunch time
  • Lunch table

And much much more. We can track movements and activities through any place based on NFC/QR points scanning and GPS location in open areas. For this, we use our Probe mobile app for iOS and Android smartphones. 

The story of Kasun

The solution to resume business after COVID-19

Let’s see how we make it happen 

1. Your employees install the Probe app on their smartphones. It tracks their location and allows reading QR/NFC to detect activities inside the buildings. To preserve employees’ privacy, they can schedule tracking only during work hours. After that, the app would automatically stop, and you may be sure that the app does not collect any data after business hours.

The mobile app to detect COVID threat and resume business after COVID-19

2. While HR/Security tracks their activities, the employees can send SOS alarms in case of any event. 

The mobile app to detect COVID threat and resume business after COVID-19

The worst event that can happen to an employee now is feeling sick. These cases should be identified as soon as possible. That’s how you prevent the spread of COVID-19:

  1. An employee sends a “Feeling ill” status
  2. The HR/Security personnel receives the message
  3. And identifies the location of the employee on the map to isolate him
The mobile app to detect COVID threat and resume business after COVID-19

In the monitoring interface, security personnel sees:

  1. The employee’s health status color – based on the mobile app “status” update
  2. Personal information
  3. Status text – based on employees mobile app “status” update
  4. Location
The software to detect COVID threat and resume business after COVID-19

If an employee presses the SOS or “Feeling ill” system can notify designated team members via email, SMS, Telegram App, or FiOS Mobile app.

The software to detect COVID threat and resume business after COVID-19

As a result, at any given time, the HR or Security department can trace the employee inside the company and isolate them in three simple steps. 

The software to detect COVID threat and resume business after COVID-19

And if an employee was found infected, HR/Security can run a location check-in report and find out the closest interactions with the infected employee.

The software to detect COVID threat and resume business after COVID-19

Example: Who had lunch with Employee 01 at Table #34

More about the solution

Our servers can handle millions of connections, analyze them in real time, and notify you of every event with a given employee.  

For each of the solutions described above, we offer access through your browser or smartphone. We offer our SaaS solutions for a quick start and charge based on usage. Your investments are minimized. Here’s a factsheet to learn more: 

Days left till you will resume business after COVID-19. Stopping the spread of the disease starts with your company. Get the solutions for a test or schedule a consultation to discuss your individual business case of employee surveillance. 

Stay safe with KLOUDIP!

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