Fleet and employee transport management software: What’s new in May?

KLOUDIP updates FiOS and GOFER – its flagship fleet management system and employee transport management platform.

In May, KLOUDIP updated FiOS and GOFER – its flagship fleet management system and employee transport management platform.

FiOS users got more opportunities to work with images and videos sent to the platform, while those who use GOFER can request company cars in a mobile app, just like they do with Uber. 

Let’s discuss what’s new in detail. 


Images in reports

FiOS is a system for GPS tracking and fleet management. Apart from basic features – like real-time location detection, e-fences and route optimzzation –  it offers advanced opportunities, including photo and video monitoring. 

FiOS: Fleet management system overview

In May, KLOUDIP introduced images to the reports on geofences, groups of vehicles and geofences, and here’s why:

Many companies use FiOS not only to track vehicles, but also mobile employees – sales, service, or delivery staff. As a proof of work completion, they take images on the smartphones and send them to the system, where managers can view the pics and check the quality of work. 

For example, garbage collection teams take photos to prove the cleanliness at the point’s they have visited. In FiOS it works like this: 

  1. All garbage collection points are marked with geofences (e-fences) on the map.
  2. When a waste truck enters such a geofence, the system registers checkpoint visiting.
  3. Being there, sanitation workers take pictures and send them to the system.
  4. To check the work quality, a dispatcher can generate a geofence report with all the photos sent from this geofence.  

Before the update, dispatchers had to generate a report on each geofence. Now, they can do it for groups of geofences, to view the situation at all garbage collection sites visited throughout the day or week.

Video markers

As mentioned above, FiOS offers an embedded video monitoring module. In May, the developers added map markers for all video events.

A market is an icon on the map that shows that something important happened there, like a fuel theft or traffic violation. If an MDVR also registers the event, a dispatcher can save the clip in the system. In this case, the video event marker appears on the map.  

By clicking on it, a dispatcher can watch the video to see what actually happened there and why. 


GOFER is the platform for employee transport and business ride management. Since the release, the developers called it an Uber-like system for similar car booking and ride management procedures. But unlike Uber designed to raise the revenue of taxi services, GOFER was developed to cut transportation costs for companies. 

In May, KLOUDIP introduced GOFER mobile app for passengers, where they can request a company car for a business ride, just like they order a taxi. Here’s the video of how it works: 

GOFER: How to use passenger mobile app?

Besides, the developers slightly improved the system of recurring rides, notifications, and vehicle request forms, making the interface more user-friendly.

That’s all for May, but not for you. Schedule a live demo with KLOUDIP and get a 60-day free trial on these and other KLOUD solutions. Contact us now.

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